Federazione Autonoma Bancari Italiani

International Relations

EWC > News
News dated 12/03/2016
Unicredit Selected Committee Meeting
On February 29th, the Select Committee has held an internal meeting in order to organize the work of the third mandate of the Unicredit European Works Council (EWC)

On 29 February, the Select Committee has held an internal meeting in order to organize the work of the third mandate of the Unicredit European Works Council (EWC). Select Committee Meeting  Milan 29 February 2016








During the meeting, the impacts of the revision of the 2018 Strategic Plan on the workers in the individual countries have been discussed.

The Select Committee has reaffirmed the importance of practicing the social dialogue in all those cases where the plan produces its effects, in order to find the best possible solutions with the social partners. These solutions must be based on social sustainability in order to avoid and mitigate the negative impact on the workers of the Unicredit Group.

The Select Committee of the Unicredit EWC has invited the trade union organizations and the works councils to keep the EWC informed about the progress and the results of the negotiations on the revision of the 2018 Strategic Plan in the individual countries, so as to be able to monitor this delicate issue and put into action appropriate measures, as defined by the declarations of the Unicredit EWC and Trade Union Alliance on 27 November 2015.

The Select Committee has also reaffirmed its commitment to monitor the implementation of the Joint Declarations made during the previous mandates of the EWC, especially that on Responsible Sale, in the individual countries. For this purpose, the Select Committee has established appropriate modes of control.


Milan, 1st March 2016

European Works Council
